vintage rare wicker table with drawer & cups and saucer set
bar set
vintage collectibles
Christmas cow print
child’s toy dresser
vintage paper
collectiblecigarette cases, lighterss
tin signs
Jefferson Airppland Surealistic Pillow large poste
SF 49er cooler
SF 49er hat
San Francisco collectible book
Curry jersey
Converse shoes Casio watch vintage hats
hand painted Russian eggs
tv trays books
Vintage toy hourse
Sterling Silver
hair cutter plates
vintage glassware
paper vintage magazines
vintage collectibles
vintage Japanese metal vase
vintage collectibles
vintage glass
old mirror
vintage cups and saucers
cups & saucers
vintage fashion print
vintge glass cup & saucer set
costume jewelry
estate collectibles
old tea dessert set
Pan Am flight wing pins
vintage musical snowmas
estate collectibles
mid century art potter ash tray
vintage cookie jar
vintage lantern
vintage coffee can
kitchen items
Christopher Radko Ornaments
cookie jar
vintage calendar girl
mirror & children playing print
comic books
collectible paper
lots of collectibles
vintage paintings and prints
cast iron dog
marini print
foo dogs
posters prints
Diego Rivera print
San Francisco coasters
vintage paper
Last Casp magazine
vintage poster
vintage gilr magazines
vintage dance group photos
vintage paper collectibles
vintage paper
vintage print
roller scate vintage print
vintage movie poster
vin atge paper
vintage dance group photos
Bronze planters
magazine table
brass fish
Pearl Jam poster on canvas
marble top table
Japanese iron tea pot
silver spoons
silk embroidered pillow cover
vintage cups and saucers
US states quarters
vintage glass
opera glasses
Asain art
vintage hair ornaments
costume jewelry
electrical glass covers
designer ceramic platter
museum print
Artist made necklace
Artist made necklace
sterling silver cat pin, alabaster owl, vintage Asian container
Genuine stone necklaces
costume jewelry
Chinese tea set
religious pictures
Christian crosses and angels
Chinses platter
wood table
Chinese vase
Chinses platter
Chinese porcelain princess
chinese platter
crystal stem glasses
silver dessert forks
tarot cards & more
toy car & collectibles
crystal decanter & vintage crystal glass
poker chips
1960’s stained glass
dial telephone
resing balls
vintage hat mold
Paul cake topper
Genuine stone necklaces
shells – crystal bowl
Genuine stone necklaces
Genuine stone necklaces
Genuine stone necklaces
sterling silver dish
Genuine stone necklaces
sterling silver ring ^ pendants
Italian sterling silver necklace
vintge toy wood dick train
old photos & tin signs
star wars jacket
small box
vintge toy wood train
vintage paper santa
sterling silver rings
Mickey Mouse patches
San Francisco prin
vintage wood toy blocks
oil painting
Vintage peg board
Star Wars jacket
Consignments welcome! Call us – 415-387-0633 or just come by
2025, 49th year of business on Clement Street, San Francisco. We have the customers, a great reputation, do the research of your items, the marketing, displaying, and selling, and you get money. When you give your items for consignment, they are cleaned, researched, priced, photographed, displayed on our website, and promoted on the Internet.
Open for business six days a week, closed Sundays.