Tag Archives: sobral

Great Customers

Thousands of delightful people have supported Gaslight & Shadows Antiques. Thank you to the wonderful customers who have helped to make the store a San Francisco Legacy Business!

Gaslight & Shadows Antiques, Phyllis Nabhan, San Francisco Legacy Business
Gaslight & Shadows Antiques, Phyllis Nabhan, San Francisco Legacy Business
Gaslight  & Shadows Antiques, Phyllis Nabhan, San Francisco Legacy
Gaslight & Shadows Antiques, Phyllis Nabhan, San Francisco Legacy


Consignments welcome!
Call us – 415-387-0633 or just come by

2025, 49th year of business on Clement Street, San Francisco. We have the customers, a great reputation, do the research of your items, the marketing, displaying, and selling, and you get money. When you give your items for consignment, they are cleaned, researched, priced, photographed, displayed on our website, and promoted on the Internet.

Open for business six days a week, closed Sundays.